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Welcome to the TamB.Fitness Foundation

Holistically serving communites

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About Our Foundation

Inspired by the need to fill the health disparities gap in rurual communities, the TamB.Fitness Foundation was established in January 2021 in Columbia, SC. Over the next few years, our goal is to become one of the most trusted and effective charitable wellness foundations, working hard to improve the lives of those in need. Learn more about who we are below.

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Our Causes

It Starts With the Will to Make a Difference

Wellness encompasses 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. Attention must be given to all the dimensions, as neglect of any one over time will adversely affect the others, and ultimately one’s health, well-being, and quality of life. They do not, however, have to be equally balanced. We should aim, instead, to strive for a “personal harmony” that feels most authentic to us. We naturally have our own priorities, approaches, and aspirations, including our own views of what it means to live life fully.

Learn more about our efforts and how working together can make a lasting impact! Contact us if you’d like more information on how to donate or volunteer.

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Social Health

Treat Others as You’d Like to Be Treated

As human beings we are social creatures. Creating environments for socializing and networking or even gathering for a good cause is a part of our Social Health tenet.

Spiritual Wellness

Your Life Has Meaning

We believe that women, men, children, and families function best when they discover purpose and understanding that your values, beliefs, and morals guide your actions. We will uphold our spirtual well tenet by parterning with local religious charites to help educate, lead, and mentor with their walk with christ.

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As an extension of TamB. Fitness, there is a great emphasis on movement of all types. It is our goal to bring movement based group classes for all ages and fitness levels to and throughout our community.


Helping Others

We're a service based organization that wants to help build others up. Our Enviromental initiatves will incorporate collaborations with other businesses and organizations to bring resources back to communites who would typicall not have access to those products and services.

Picking Up Trash
Crowd Cheering

Financial Wellness

Fighting Inequality

One of our goals is to ensure that Financial Literacy and wealth building are a part of our norm. We will host workshops and seminars with finance experts to educate and assist women and men with budgeting, saving, credit, and homeownership.

Vocational Wellness

Do What You Love

Many people work a job that leaves them unfulfilled. Our goal is to help uncover what people are passionate about through intern and mentorship and help them form a profitable hobby or business

High Fives
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Intellectual Wellness

Lifelong Learner

Our Intellectul well component is an opportunity for one to discover and  unleash their creative abilities by being exposed to cultural events and activites, as well as develop the skills needed to excel in academia and personally.

Emotional Wellness

The Battle of the Mind

One of our goals is to ensure that those in need have access to emotional and mental support with licensed counselors and therapist. We will work with therapist to offer group therapy and or refer people to therapist for their emotional and mental well being.

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Volunteer Group

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"

William James

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